Title – Alcohol guide is ‘unclear’
Source – The London Paper
Date – 30th July 2009
This is a story we have covered before, the outdated ‘unit system’ and its ineffectiveness. That 77% of people do not know the number of units in a specific drink is one thing; that 40% of people do not know the recommended daily limit was actually a bit of a surprise to me, I would actually have guessed the number to be higher.
Certainly for the people we encounter on the many courses we run for candidates working in the Licensed Retail Sector, the knowledge regarding the recommended number of units is hazy at best.
The problem with all this is for either fact to make any sense, you have to know both the recommended daily limit and the number of units in a drink… Do the 23% of people who do know the number of units in a particular drink, know their recommended daily limit? The prospect is that actually very few people know both, thus making the system unfit for purpose.
I can’t really see any way round a change in legislation on packaging, advertising and sale of alcohol to resolve this issue, as recent government campaigns have clearly not made any significant impact.
I also strongly believe that everyone selling alcohol should at the very least have this knowledge so that they are able to Retail Alcohol Responsibly. During our National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) course and our Award in Responsible Alcohol Retailing (ARAR) course, we help candidates to understand both these scales and to be able to accept their significance. We provide them with resources they can take away, so they can always calculate the units in any drink when they need to.
At Beyond The Blue we run a number of courses for those working in the Licensed Retail Sector to help them sell alcohol more responsibly. These include; The Award in Responsible Alcohol Retailing (ARAR) designed for front-line staff to help them meet their statutory requirements; The National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) which qualifies candidates to apply for their personal licence; Our Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR) course compliments these courses to help employees deal with Workplace Violence and alcohol related disorder.
Please visit our website at www.btbl.co.uk. For a complete list of Blog entries visit our National Press Archive page.
For more information on any of our services, please call us on 0845 602 55 95 or Contact Us.
Source – The London Paper
Date – 30th July 2009
This is a story we have covered before, the outdated ‘unit system’ and its ineffectiveness. That 77% of people do not know the number of units in a specific drink is one thing; that 40% of people do not know the recommended daily limit was actually a bit of a surprise to me, I would actually have guessed the number to be higher.
Certainly for the people we encounter on the many courses we run for candidates working in the Licensed Retail Sector, the knowledge regarding the recommended number of units is hazy at best.
The problem with all this is for either fact to make any sense, you have to know both the recommended daily limit and the number of units in a drink… Do the 23% of people who do know the number of units in a particular drink, know their recommended daily limit? The prospect is that actually very few people know both, thus making the system unfit for purpose.
I can’t really see any way round a change in legislation on packaging, advertising and sale of alcohol to resolve this issue, as recent government campaigns have clearly not made any significant impact.
I also strongly believe that everyone selling alcohol should at the very least have this knowledge so that they are able to Retail Alcohol Responsibly. During our National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) course and our Award in Responsible Alcohol Retailing (ARAR) course, we help candidates to understand both these scales and to be able to accept their significance. We provide them with resources they can take away, so they can always calculate the units in any drink when they need to.
At Beyond The Blue we run a number of courses for those working in the Licensed Retail Sector to help them sell alcohol more responsibly. These include; The Award in Responsible Alcohol Retailing (ARAR) designed for front-line staff to help them meet their statutory requirements; The National Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (NCPLH) which qualifies candidates to apply for their personal licence; Our Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR) course compliments these courses to help employees deal with Workplace Violence and alcohol related disorder.
Please visit our website at www.btbl.co.uk. For a complete list of Blog entries visit our National Press Archive page.
For more information on any of our services, please call us on 0845 602 55 95 or Contact Us.