Beyond The Blue Training & Consultancy

‘There is only one thing worse than training someone and having them leave; that is not training someone and having them stay’

Our focus is on how we can change attitudes and views to ensure that clients gain an effective advantage. We provide them with skills, knowledge, confidence and perspective to help them manage in a more positive and professional manner.

Tuesday 6 December 2005

1 Girl in 4 says her drinks have been spiked

Title – 1 Girl in 4 says her drinks have been spiked
Source – Daily Mail
Date – 6th December 2005

“One young woman in four claims to have had her drink spiked and only one in twenty says she feels safe in the streets” Reads the first line of this article. Statistics on the subject of drink spiking vary every time a new report is commissioned. Certainly the assertion that one in every 4 women have actually been spiked is a little on the paranoid side, but there is no longer any doubt that drink spiking has become a serious problem in the UK.

Owners, Managers and Staff now have to be well aware of the risks to their customers and their business from ignoring the problem. Whereas First Aid Trained staff once had to ask the question “how much?” when it came to dealing with an intoxicated individuals, they then, once the drug culture really started growing, had to ask “what?”, they now also have to ask the questions “Where and with whom”. Ignorance is no longer a viable excuse and all employees have a responsibility to gain the knowledge they need to be aware and help reduce the risk from these drugs being administered to others without their knowledge.

Our security courses and BIIAB courses for the licensed retail sector address the problems of self administered illegal drugs as well as drink spiking which has become a real issue in the UK and dare not be ignored by those working within the sector.

Please visit our website at

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