Title – Where crime is on the wrong track
Source – Staines Leader
Date – 27th September 2007
This local report is repeated across much of the country. Violence on the railway networks has risen again and although violence is certainly the most worrying statistic, other crimes add and exasperate the situation. Also on the rise is theft, criminal damage (graffiti etc.), harassment and of most concern; racially aggravated incidents.
The cycle of crime increases public fears and those of the the staff employed. Stations covered in graffiti or where theft is common leads to fear and mistrust and becomes a comfortable environment for those perpetrating the crimes and so the cycle continues. A comprehensive solution is required that addresses all these issues. The starting point is to empower the staff, reduce their fear and stress levels in the workplace and they in turn will provide confidence to the legitimate customers and allow them to reclaim their station.
Source – Staines Leader
Date – 27th September 2007
This local report is repeated across much of the country. Violence on the railway networks has risen again and although violence is certainly the most worrying statistic, other crimes add and exasperate the situation. Also on the rise is theft, criminal damage (graffiti etc.), harassment and of most concern; racially aggravated incidents.
The cycle of crime increases public fears and those of the the staff employed. Stations covered in graffiti or where theft is common leads to fear and mistrust and becomes a comfortable environment for those perpetrating the crimes and so the cycle continues. A comprehensive solution is required that addresses all these issues. The starting point is to empower the staff, reduce their fear and stress levels in the workplace and they in turn will provide confidence to the legitimate customers and allow them to reclaim their station.
We are specialists in Conflict Management and Resolution training that is a proven method of helping staff deal with violence and aggression in the workplace, in a safe and proactive way. Our approach based on a Training Needs Analysis of the workplace of our clients, which allows us to tailor courses to meet the specific needs of your employees and the relevance of the course makes the learning outcome more effective.
Please visit our website at www.btbl.co.uk
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