Beyond The Blue Training & Consultancy

‘There is only one thing worse than training someone and having them leave; that is not training someone and having them stay’

Our focus is on how we can change attitudes and views to ensure that clients gain an effective advantage. We provide them with skills, knowledge, confidence and perspective to help them manage in a more positive and professional manner.

Friday 9 October 2009

Cocaine abuse doubles in 4 years

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Title – Cocaine abuse doubles in 4 yearsSource – Independent
Date – 9th October 2009

I have often commented on the number of cocaine users in the UK, the addictive nature of cocaine and the fact that cocaine use has become ‘accepted’ in certain parts of our society.

This article is of interest for two reasons, firstly it highlights the concept that cocaine is (or more accurately ‘has’) taken over from heroin as the drug of choice for those parts of society which ‘glamorise’ the use of drugs like this as an acceptable even desired aspect of ‘a active social life’. The description of cocaine as London’s middle-class dirty secret’ by a former addict and the very fact that the number of addicts seeking help has doubled is a good sign that a few people are seeing cocaine for what it is an addictive illegal drug; we should however note that 2000 out of 1 million users is still a very small percentage of users seeking help with their addiction and sadly a very small number of addicts realising that their desire to include cocaine use as part of their ‘social life’ is an addiction.

The second part of this article which I liked as it dispels another myth is Paul Hayes’s (National Treatment Agency – Chief Executive) comment that in ‘…early-20s night-clubbing, pub-going, cocaine use is becoming more normal among that population. It’s become an adjunct to alcohol or cannabis use.’ This is a statement which should worry those charged with enforcement of drug policy and treatment of drug users. When drug use becomes part of every-day activities, it becomes socially acceptable and almost decriminalised in the minds of users. By being glamorised in the eyes of users, the rhetoric of the dealers is believed rather than information provided by health-care workers, scientist and doctors who really understand the chemistry, social and medical consequences of drug use.

The other group of people who should be worried about this association between ‘normal’ social activities and cocaine use, is the business owners in whose premises drug use inevitably takes place. The consequences to them personally, to their business and premises licence where drugs are used can be severe; where there are drug users there are inevitably drug dealers.

Beyond The Blue we run a number of courses for those working in the Licensed Retail Sector including The National Certificate for Licensees Drug Awareness (NCLDA). For other sectors our bespoke Drug Awareness (DA) courses, which examine illegal drugs, their effects and the drug litter synonymous with their use, are specifically designed to reflect the nature of our clients working environment. Our Conflict Management and Resolution (CMR) course complements these courses to help employees deal with Workplace Violence and drug related behaviour.

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